We accept children from 2 years of age, depending on availability. We are open weekdays during term time.
Monday - Friday
Morning sessions: 9am - 12pm (Early starts available from 8:30 and 8:45)
Afternoon session: 12pm - 3pm
We also offer extra sessions for the mornings, currently charged at £6.00 for 8:30-9:00 which includes breakfast or £3.00 for 8:45-9:00 which does not include breakfast.
Please contact us for availability.
In exceptional circumstances, such as adverse weather conditions such as snow etc, we may have to cancel sessions. In such cases, this information would be posted on Radio Cornwall.
Universal Funding is available for all 3 and 4 year olds, from the term after the child’s 3rd birthday. It is available for up to 15 hours each week during term time.
Extended 30 Hour Funding is available for eligible 3 and 4 year olds. Visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to find out if you are eligible.
2 Year Funding: Working families of 2 year olds maybe eligible to 15 funded hours each week during term time. Funding starts the term following your child's second birthday. To see if you are eligible for this funding you will need your date of birth, surname and National Insurance Number, and can phone 01208 265688 or email nurseryfunding@cornwall.gov.uk
If your child does not qualify for funding, or for hours extra to the 15 funded:
Each 3 hour session for 3 year olds costs £16.50 from the term after your child is 3. For 2 year olds the cost of a 3 hour session is £17.25. Any additional time that doesn’t from a whole session is charged at £3.00per 15 minutes.
There is also a termly charge of £15 per term (3 terms per year) to cover all incidental costs.
All absences must be paid for to ensure that place remains available for the child. However, there will be no charge for holidays taken, provided pre-school is informed of the dates at least 2 weeks in advance.
Payment is in advance, though various methods of payment are available. When invoiced you will be asked to indicate your preferred method of payment.